How to Manage Minor Coughs and Colds This Winter with Over-the-Counter Medication

How to Manage Minor Coughs and Colds This Winter with Over-the-Counter Medication

16 / Sep

Winter often brings coughs, colds, and blocked sinuses. If you’re feeling under the weather, Bramley Pharmacy offers a range of over-the-counter remedies to help you manage your symptoms and get back to your routine faster.

Some Effective Cough and Cold Products Available at Bramley Pharmacy

Lemsip: A trusted solution for relieving cold and flu symptoms such as headaches, fever, and     body aches.

– Day Nurse and Night Nurse: Day Nurse provides non-drowsy relief from colds, while Night         Nurse helps you sleep through the symptoms.

– Benylin: An effective cough syrup that targets both chesty and dry coughs.

– Actifed: A powerful decongestant to help relieve blocked noses and sinuses.

– NeilMed Sinus Rinse: A natural saline solution to clear nasal congestion and relieve sinus            pressure.

When to Use Over-the-Counter Medication

These products are ideal for treating mild symptoms of coughs, colds, and sinus issues. Always follow the instructions on the label and consult our pharmacists if you have any questions.

Visit Bramley Pharmacy today to pick up the right medication to manage your winter coughs and colds. We’re here to help you feel better.